Apply Here

If you are interested in applying to become a resident of Talbot House you should consider the following points:

  • Do you feel that you are ready for treatment?
  • Are you at a place in your life where you are open and free to make a personal commitment to long-term treatment?
  • Are you prepared to commit yourself to fully participating in daily group sharing sessions?
  • Can you live in a community setting with other residents, and feel that you are ready to bring your life experience to this group?
  • Are you ready to try and set aside the issues and concerns that presently pre-occupy you so that you can spend some quality time getting to understand yourself?

If you feel that you can begin this process, please call Talbot House at: (902) 794-2852 or toll free at: 1-877-582-5268 and ask to speak to one of our in-take workers. They will be happy to explain the program and process for admission.

“I don’t presume to know why Talbot House works so well. It is definitely a process; meetings in group, one-on-one sessions, walks in the park, Father Paul’s insight and encouragement, eighteen men in a small country setting, living like a big family, learning how to cope with life, surrounded by Frenchvale and area communities all of which support and welcome each resident.”
